Monday, January 8, 2018

heshe egregore

heshe egregore 
(Painting on Paper, 20 x 30)

Editions du Cygne, 2016  
ISBN : 978-2-84924-461-6
5 x 8” (13 x 20 cm)
144 pages

heshe egregore by daniel y harris and irene koronas is a composite unbook of unpoetry engaged with the appropriated concept of male and female archetypes skewing traditional notions of authorship in an unfettered void where authenticity and originality are a shared wiki culture phished scooped reblogged retweed regrammed and reposted ad infinitum for file sharing sampling and trolling in the digital arena of the internet to repurpose words

—maximillian pissante, editor, the unre journal

Angiospermos #24

Angiospermos   Angiospermos #24